About Adam
Small Business Owner
Public Servant
Hello! I’m Adam. Thank you for researching your candidates - I appreciate you being here.
I am proud to be one of the Democratic nominees for the state Board of Education (my running mate is Theodore “Ted” Jones, by the way, and he’s a great guy. You get two votes for this position, so you can vote for us both if you would like).​
For the past 12 years, I have worked professionally in education policy.
After being elected to the state House of Representatives, I spent 6 years fighting to improve public education. I served as Democratic Vice Chair of the Education Committee, and served on the Appropriations School Aid and Community College Funding Subcommittees.
I worked across the aisle to create Michigan's STEM education network; MiSTEM, and on funding the many early literacy supports that educators and young people benefit from today. I helped create programs to fund GED testing through Michigan’s community colleges in order to reduce barriers to people pursuing post-secondary education. I did all of this as a member of the minority party that controlled zero branches of government. I have found that it’s actually quite possible for people who disagree on some things to still get good things done.
I left office in 2018 because I wanted to dedicate more of my time to focus just on education policy. I first went to Ford Motor Company, where I led their corporate STEAM education investment fund. I then served as President of a bipartisan education coalition co-chaired by the heads of the state’s business round table, education unions and philanthropic foundation community.
Since 2018, I have founded two businesses focused on scaling micro mobility transportation devices, and a private consulting company that aids nonprofit and philanthropic organizations in Michigan and across the country. I operate all three today.
I am an engineer by training, graduating from Michigan State with Bachelor and Master of Science degrees. As an undergraduate student, I joined a STEM student project called Formula SAE, where we designed, built and raced vehicles against other colleges and universities from all over the world. While I was on the team, we took the vehicles to local schools to demonstrate to young people how “cool” math, science and engineering can be. It was on these visits that I first witnessed what is often known as the “aha” moment; when a child’s face lights up because they are excited about learning. It was the first time I realized what this was, and I saw firsthand the power of inspirational education. Seeing this changed the course of my career, and I have been working to improve public education ever since.